Search for federal government: Greens for negotiations with SPD and FDP

As of: 10/17/2021 4:38 p.m.

The Greens voted with a large majority in favor of entering into coalition negotiations with the SPD and FDP. This was indicated in many speeches. Party leader Baerbock also warned of tough negotiation points.

The small party congress of the Greens voted with a large majority in favor of starting coalition negotiations with the SPD and FDP on the formation of a joint federal government. There were two votes against and one abstention. According to the party, 70 delegates were entitled to vote.

The approval was indicated in many speeches – there were no clear negative statements. For example, parliamentary group leader Anton Hofreiter praised the exploratory result as a success for his party. “We can be very, very satisfied with this paper,” emphasized Hofreiter. His party had “not received 50 percent of the vote” in the federal election. “Many people didn’t vote for us either,” he pointed out. That is why the result of the exploratory process cannot be one hundred percent in the handwriting of the Greens.

Baerbock praises climate protection projects

The co-party chairmen Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck also campaigned for the beginning of coalition negotiations to form a coalition with the SPD and FDP.

Above all, Baerbock praised the climate protection agreements as a “real success” for the Greens. She referred, for example, to the project that solar systems are to be installed on the roofs of commercial buildings and houses in new buildings. “We’ll have to negotiate very, very hard on other sentences. Also on climate protection,” she admitted. Baerbock thanked Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze for her commitment to climate protection. But it is not enough for a ministry to be responsible. Climate protection must also be thought of in terms of economic, transport, agricultural and social policy. The explorations have shown that there is “the courage to make real decisions”. This is one of the reasons why they are promoting coalition talks for a “traffic light” alliance.

Habeck: Everyone expects each other to do something

The exploratory paper negotiated by the three parties creates the opportunity to give the country a policy that gives answers “state of the art”, said Habeck in Berlin. He referred to the commitment to the 1.5-degree path in climate protection and the “ideally” coal phase-out, which is brought forward to 2030, but also to the basic security for children, an increase in the minimum wage to twelve euros and a “modern immigration law”.

Habeck praised the exploratory paper with the SPD and FDP.

Image: dpa

At the same time, he admitted that the Greens had not prevailed on some points in the explorations. He mentioned a general speed limit on motorways and the demand for a moderate increase in the top tax rate, with which low-income earners should be relieved. Other points included in the paper are so important that the result can be classified as “sustainable” for the start of coalition negotiations. “We have to do something with this paper,” said Habeck, then added with a view to the SPD and FDP: “But the others too.”

Kristin Joachim, ARD Berlin, on the decision of the Greens to start coalition negotiations

tagesschau24 4:00 p.m., 10/17/2021

Question of funding

There was no clear opposition to the party leadership, but several delegates warned that important details had to be clarified in coalition negotiations. Hamburg delegate Anja Hajduk emphasized that it must be made clear where the money for necessary investments should come from. The Greens would have to make the FDP and SPD responsible in order to get “these 500 billion for a decade of investment” together.

Others urged the need for improvement in the design of the citizens’ money, which is to replace the previous Hartz IV system.

FDP decides on Monday

Two parties have agreed to start coalition negotiations on a “traffic light”. On Friday the party executive of the SPD unanimously voted in favor. The FDP committees meet on Monday.

While exploratory talks serve to explore differences and similarities, the clear goal of coalition negotiations is to form a common government. However, failure cannot be ruled out in this phase either.

This was also the case with the top candidate of the SPD, Olaf Scholz, on Friday daily topics noted. Despite the harmonious exploration, coalition negotiations are not a matter of form. “This is being prepared with great seriousness. The probing of the last few days has of course served this purpose. The most important possible questions that could cause difficulties in coalition negotiations should be clarified.”

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