Scroll’s zk-EVM Layer 2 goes live on Ethereum’s Goerli testnet.

Scroll launches Zk-EVM Ethereum Layer 2 testnet version on Goerli testnet, moving from pre-alpha to alpha testing phase.

“We have been testing using simulated mainnet transactions on our pre-alpha testnet, but with a more public testnet. The more time you have to test it. And make sure everything is working properly,” a Pseudotheos researcher at Scroll said in an interview.

Scroll has been working on the network for two years. and currently has a team of 60 with a wider network of external sponsors.

Zk-EVM is a layer 2 network built on top of Ethereum that uses zero-knowledge proofs to achieve scalability. EVM stands for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is a bit that runs applications instead of processing alone And with EVM support, these networks can support Ethereum applications while still being scalable.

“We want to build the most robust and secure zk-EVM. That is our priority,” said Pseudotheos.

Scroll has an in-house security team that tries to make sure the network is secure. It also freezes some of the codebase and sends it to audition for review.

Polygon Networks is also working on this type of zk-EVM, while StarkWare is taking the opposite approach, and zkSync is somewhere in between, and Pseudotheos doesn’t think being first on the market will make much of a difference. They point to Arbitrum and Optimism, which were launched a few months apart.

“It doesn’t matter who is first,” they said. “We think there is room for coexistence, especially when taking different approaches.”

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