Schools: Headmasters Association: Brought more guns to school

Principals Association: Brought more guns to school

According to the school principals’ association, the tone among students has become harsher. photo

© Maurizio Gambarini/dpa

Robbery, threats and physical harm should not play a role in everyday school life. But such violent incidents do happen. The development makes you think.

The willingness to arm is increasing According to school management, Germany’s schools are increasing. “We have noticed that more weapons are being taken to school than before,” says the chairman of Germany’s General School Management Association, Sven Winkler, to the German Press Agency. These are mainly knives and sham weapons (weapons that look deceptively similar to real firearms). It is unclear whether students carry weapons because they are prepared to use violence or because they are afraid and want to use them for self-defense.

The association chairman pointed out that the tone between children and young people at school had become rougher – at least that was the impression of many school management. To prevent violence, many schools are trying to expand social work. But there is often a lack of staff, time and money, said Winkler, who is also the head of a school in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony. There are often local networks with school authorities, youth welfare services and the police in order to find out the causes of misconduct and violence and to prevent them in the future. In principle, children and young people are at least as safe in schools as in other contexts.

According to a dpa survey among state criminal investigation offices and education ministries, thousands of cases of violence in schools became known nationwide in 2022 – significantly more than in 2019, before the corona pandemic. In the most populous federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia alone, there were around 5,400 violent crimes in 2022. More recent figures are usually not yet available in many countries.


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