Scholz calls on society to stick together in the fight against Corona

Germany New Year’s address by Olaf Scholz

“A strong community can withstand contradictions – if we listen to one another”

In his speech at the end of 2021, Chancellor Olaf Scholz also addresses demonstrators:

In his speech at the end of 2021, Chancellor Olaf Scholz also addresses demonstrators: “A strong community can withstand contradictions – if we listen to one another”


In his first New Year’s address as Chancellor, Olaf Scholz calls for cohesion in the fight against Corona. Scholz appeals to do everything together to finally defeat the virus in the coming year. He also asks people to understand the restrictions.

B.und-Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called on society to act together in the fight against the ongoing corona pandemic and in the planned renewal of the country. In his first New Year’s address as Chancellor, the Social Democrat appealed to citizens to use all vaccination offers in view of the rapidly spreading omicron variant of the virus.

At the same time, he asked for understanding for the new restrictions that came into force after Christmas, for example on private contacts. Joint action is also necessary if Germany is to achieve its climate goals and to become independent of coal, oil and gas in less than 25 years.

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+ subject to a fee +++ Ulrike Guérot (publicist) 09/20 her Ulrike Guérot on September 15, 2020 in "Markus Lanz", ZDF TV TV Talkshow Talk Show Germany deutsch deu? Tsc? He woman scientist politics political scientist german female scientist politics quer portrait smiling

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“The year 2021 was very challenging for all of us,” said Scholz in retrospect. The corona pandemic, with its burdens and profound restrictions, is “stuck in our bones”. And nobody will forget the devastating floods in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate anytime soon. “As bad as both were – our reaction to them also contains a thoroughly positive message: As a society in Germany we have resolutely accepted these challenges.”

Chancellor rejects division in society

Scholz again denied that German society was divided as a result of the corona pandemic. “The opposite is true. Our country stands together. What I notice everywhere, that is a huge solidarity, that is overwhelming willingness to help, that is a new approach and hook. “Scholz thanked everyone who works for the common good, health and safety – whether in hospitals, nursing wards, medical practices or vaccination centers , in police stations and in the armed forces. He also thanked those citizens who tried to adhere to the applicable rules.

With a view to the new restrictions, Scholz emphasized that the virus is even easier to transmit in the new Omikron variant. “Please take these restrictions very seriously. For your protection, for the protection of your families. For the protection of all of us. ”Those who have not yet had themselves vaccinated should do so now, those who have already been vaccinated should be boosted quickly. “Now it depends on speed. We have to be faster than the virus, ”said Scholz. “Let’s do everything together – but really everything – so that we can finally defeat Corona in the new year.”

The Chancellor called on critics of the state measures, some of which have become very radicalized in recent weeks, to be respectful. Of course, there are different opinions and assessments on the subject of Corona. “That is often exhausting. But a strong community can withstand contradictions – if we listen to one another. And when we have respect for each other. “

Scholz announces a decade of departure

The other big task besides Corona is to lay the foundation for Germany to continue making good progress, said Scholz. “The 20s will be a decade of new beginnings.” The federal government wants to promote the greatest restructuring of the German economy. “We will be able to master the great changes of our time together and with one another. When we stick together as a community. Respect, recognition and good life chances for everyone are the prerequisites for this, ”emphasized Scholz.

As a modern industrial country, Germany will achieve its climate goals. “And our technologies are still among the best in the world.” Germany has everything it needs for this: well-trained skilled workers, clever engineers, active craft businesses and companies.

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From left: Green politicians Anton Hofreiter, Robert Habeck, Annalena Baerbock, Cem Özdemir

Progress for a better world could not be achieved by any country alone, said Scholz. That can only succeed if the international community works together on it. Germany wants to use its now beginning presidency in the group of G7 states so that this group of states becomes a pioneer. “A pioneer for climate-neutral business and a fair world.”

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