Scandal about Taşdelen: Renate Schmidt holds allegations for “Pipifax” – Bavaria

After the Jusos declared Arif Taşdelen “undesirable,” a debate ensued in the Bavarian SPD that went far beyond the case. It is about the behavior of men towards women and the question of what is appropriate – and what is not.


Andreas Glas and Olaf Przybilla, Nuremberg/Munich

The day after, Renate Schmidt throws herself in front of her general secretary. “I think these allegations against Arif Taşdelen are absurd,” said the former state chairman of the Bavarian SPD on Thursday Süddeutsche Zeitung. The 79-year-old feels the need to talk about the unprecedented decision that the party youth made: The Jusos have excluded Taşdelen from all their events, the SPD general is “undesirable,” according to the Juso board. The reason: According to Juso country chief Kilian Maier, “several” young women have reported that Taşdelen behaved inappropriately towards them. Shutting out the SPD general because of this, Schmidt finds “exaggerated”. She says: “I would be happy if the Jusos would express themselves politically in a way that is relevant. Not with such a pipifax.”

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