Satellite launches – Falcon 9 instead of Soyuz – Economy

After the Soyuzlaunches for satellites of the Galileo navigation system, the Bremen-based manufacturer OHB has been criticized in France for making replacement launches with the Falcon 9 suggested by Space-X instead of using the European one Ariane 6. “As a manufacturer of Galileosatellites, we have proactively explored the market for alternative launch options for our customers,” OHB now justifies itself. “In addition to a few other providers, you will inevitably come across Space-X.” The decision rests with Esa, whose boss Josef Aschbacher had said to look outside of Europe if necessary.The London internet satellite company Oneweb has done this and instead flies with the Soyuz with Space-X, which is also building the competing system Starlink. Launch service provider Arianespace loses an important customer.

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