Russian War of Aggression: Poll: Majority for sanctions ready to waive

Russian war of aggression
Survey: majority for sanctions ready to waive

Energy prices have risen significantly as a result of the Russian war of aggression. photo

© Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa

The majority of people in Germany are still willing to support the sanctions against Russia despite high energy costs. But there are clear differences among supporters of the various parties.

According to a survey, more than six months after the Russian attack on Ukraine, a majority of Germans are willing to do without something in order to support the sanctions against Moscow, despite high energy costs.

53 percent expressed themselves accordingly in the representative survey by the Civey Institute for the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Monday). 42 percent, on the other hand, do not want to do without it. Five percent are therefore undecided.

However, there are differences among supporters of the various parties: According to the survey, voters from the Greens and SPD in particular are willing to make sacrifices. In the Green camp, there are even more than nine out of ten respondents. Supporters of the Union are rather divided on the issue. Among the sympathizers of the FDP, Linke and AfD, a majority is against the waiver of sanctions.

Russia has been waging a war of aggression against neighboring Ukraine since February 24. In response, European states and the United States imposed unprecedented sanctions on Moscow.


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