Russia successfully tests hypersonic missiles

The USA and China already have the latest generation of super-fast missiles. Now Russia is joining in: President Vladimir Putin announced a success with hypersonic weapons.

Russia has according to information from President Wladimir Putin successfully tested several hypersonic missiles at the same time. The tests were carried out during the night and were “successful and error-free,” said Putin in a televised address on Friday. For Russia this is “a big event and an important step in strengthening Russian security and improving its defense capabilities,” he added.

Putin announced the development of the Zircon hypersonic missile in February 2019. Since then, the Russian army has carried out several tests with the missile. Up to now, however, Russia had not reported that several zirconium missiles were being tested at the same time. Flights in July were disappointing because the desired range was lacking.

Hypersonic missiles can reach more than five times the speed of sound and are maneuverable in flight. They are difficult to spot and intercept for conventional air defense. The development of hypersonic missiles is an international race between the USA, Russia and China inflamed.

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