Ukraine: Baerbock in Kiev: Appeal for support in air defense

In the middle of the Russian offensive, the Foreign Minister travels to Ukraine. It should be a signal of solidarity. But she also has a message for the budget negotiations at home.

Germany and Ukraine have urgently demanded more support for Ukrainian air defense from their international partners in view of the current Russian offensive.

“Every hesitation and every hesitation in supporting Ukraine costs the lives of innocent people. And every hesitation in supporting Ukraine also endangers our own security,” said Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) during a joint appearance with her Ukrainian colleague Dmytro Kuleba in the capital Kiev. Kuleba warned: “If you don’t stop Russia here and now, its missiles will continue to fly at some point.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s goal is “the systematic destruction of the Ukrainian energy system because it is our lifeline in our societies,” said Baerbock after visiting a large coal-fired power plant near Kiev. According to Ukrainian information, the thermal power plant was completely destroyed in a Russian missile attack in April. Two years after the start of the war of aggression, it must be clear to everyone: “The Russian president knows no limits, no compass of humanity.” The best protection against Russian rocket terrorism is strengthening air defense, which has absolute priority.

Almost a billion euros have been raised internationally to provide additional support for Ukrainian air defense, said Baerbock. “But it is absolutely clear: more is needed.” That’s why she said not only with a view to our partners, but also to “our own budget negotiations: Let’s all look at these destroyed infrastructure power plants.” Baerbock is fighting with Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) to save billions in their budget in the negotiations over the 2025 federal budget.

Baerbock and Kuleba are promoting the Swiss peace summit

With a view to the peace summit organized by Switzerland in June, Baerbock said that the federal government was intensively promoting that the countries of the world come together at the meeting “to take the steps together on the path to peace.” She could confirm again that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) would take part in the summit, “in person, in order to motivate others around the world to also take part in this conference.” Kuleba warned that Russia was making great efforts to sabotage the summit.

Zelenskyj awards Baerbock the Order of Jaroslav

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked Baerbock for the military and financial support. Zelensky awarded her the third level of the Order of Yaroslav the Wise. The Order of Merit is named after Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, who ruled the medieval empire of Kievan Rus from 1019 to 1054.

Baerbock finds out about the destruction of coal-fired power plants

During a tour of a coal-fired power plant near Kiev that was destroyed by Russian missiles, the minister was informed about the strained energy supply. Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said during the visit that Russia had fired eleven missiles at the time. Of these, only six were shot down by the Ukrainian air defense because there were no more missiles available.

Visit to Kharkiv canceled for security reasons

Ukraine has been on the defensive for months due to a lack of weapons, ammunition and soldiers. The megacity of Kharkiv in the northeast of the country is being bombed from close range by Russia across the border. Baerbock had to cancel a visit to Kharkiv planned on Tuesday for security reasons because of the Russian attacks. She visited the city, which was heavily attacked by Russian troops at the beginning of the war, in January 2023.

Soldiers want more mobile air defense systems

In the afternoon, Ukrainian soldiers from the Mobile Air Defense described their operations against Russian drones and cruise missiles. The unit is standing in an open field, a pickup truck with a machine gun mounted on it. This allows the soldiers to shoot down Russian drones approaching relatively slowly. Next to it is a small, all-terrain military vehicle with a permanently installed launcher for Stinger surface-to-air missiles. This can supposedly also be used to knock cruise missiles out of the sky.

On Tuesday night, 29 drones were sent by Russia against Ukraine, it says here – the Ukrainian Air Force reported that 28 of them were shot down. The Green woman is asked whether she would like to stand at the machine gun herself – Baerbock politely declines. What does the unit want? More defense systems.

Football and school cone for children killed in war

Later, the Federal Foreign Minister remembered the Ukrainian children killed in the war in a chapel that had been converted into a museum. At the time of the opening in mid-2022, there were already 260 children killed, explains an employee of the museum to the mother of two little girls. “Unfortunately, the number is growing every day. We are now at over 600 children killed,” the man continues. Baerbock remains silent in front of an installation. Cuddly toys and other memorabilia are stored here. She leaves behind a school cone and a soccer ball.

Ukraine’s accession to the EU “geopolitical consequence of war of aggression”

The German Foreign Minister again called Ukraine’s accession to the EU “the necessary geopolitical consequence of Russia’s war of aggression, which violates international law.” The country has “made impressive progress and is on the path to reform despite Russia’s destructive rage.” Now it is important not to let up in efforts to reform the judiciary, fight corruption and promote media freedom.

Sharp criticism of Russian nuclear exercises

Baerbock sharply criticized the new exercise by Russian nuclear forces. The fact that Russia is holding the exercise near the Ukrainian border is a “sign that they want to pull out all the stops, including, if in doubt, uncertainty,” said the Green politician in the evening on ZDF’s “heute journal” shortly before her return trip Kiev. “The Russian president is simply trying to wear down this society, which has wanted nothing other than to live in peace and freedom for two years,” added Baerbock.


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