Russia finally admits ISIS ‘responsibility’ for Crocus City Hall attack

An unexpected turnaround. While Russia accused Ukraine of being responsible for the deadly attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow, it finally recognized the responsibility of the Islamic State (IS) organization in this attack. Perpetrated on March 22, it left at least 144 victims.

“During the investigation (…), it was established that the preparations, financing, attack and withdrawal of the terrorists were coordinated via the Internet by members of the Khorasan Province group”, the Afghan branch of the EI, declared the director of the Russian security services (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, quoted by the RIA Novosti agency.

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The Kremlin maintains part of its accusations

On March 22, gunmen opened fire at Crocus City Hall, a concert hall on the northwest outskirts of the Russian capital, before setting it on fire. More than 20 people have since been arrested, including the four suspected attackers, all from Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia neighboring Afghanistan. Ukraine has always categorically rejected any involvement.

Although he attributed coordination of the attack to ISIS on Friday, Alexander Bortnikov, Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, once again pointed out the alleged role of Ukrainian intelligence. “The investigation continues, but we can already say with certainty that Ukrainian military intelligence is directly involved in the attack,” he said.

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