Rostock citizenship seals Buga rejection | – News

Status: 06/22/2022 8:25 p.m

Rostock has officially canceled the Federal Garden Show planned for 2025. The citizenship sealed the end of the Buga on Wednesday.

The Rostock citizenship has officially canceled the Federal Garden Show (Buga) planned for 2025. It is the first cancellation in the 70-year history of the Federal Garden Show. Mayor Claus Ruhe Madsen (independent) recommended the cancellation during the city parliament session in view of the consequences of the corona pandemic and the Ukraine war with incalculable cost increases. But there were also internal errors in the planning and management of the project, Madsen admitted self-critically. “We have to get much better here in order to be able to handle major projects,” said Madsen. Rostock must do without the Buga in order to enable long-term urban development.

AUDIO: Rostock citizenship decides to cancel BUGA 2025 (6 min)

Construction projects are to be implemented

Despite the cancellation of the Buga, according to the decision, the city should stick to major projects that were launched in connection with the garden show – for example a Warnow bridge, the expansion of the city harbor and flood protection. The citizenry also decided to continue to strive for the construction of a new theater and an archaeological state museum as well as a mother-child center at the Südstadt-Klinikum despite the Buga cancellation.


2 mins

After the final cancellation of the Buga 2025 by the citizenry, the mayor spoke in the NDR interview. 2 mins

Madsen wants to finance projects through land sales

A risk analysis had shown a few weeks ago that hardly any of the Buga projects can be realized in time. In addition, she predicted enormous cost increases compared to the original calculations. However, the state has only pledged a certain investment sum for financing. Anything beyond that has to be paid for from the Rostock budget. In order to raise money, Madsen had suggested that the city be allowed to sell land again in the future. In recent years, city-owned areas have only been leased.

How expensive will the cancellation be?

Madsen hired an outside accounting firm to calculate the cost to taxpayers of Buga’s cancellation. On Monday Madsen is to present the resolutions of the citizenship in Schwerin to the state government.

Further information

A visualization shows the design of a pedestrian bridge over the Warnow © planners: IL and sbp: and;  3D visualization: Photo: Planner: IL and sbp: and;  3D visualization:

The citizenship is to make a final decision on the multi-million dollar projects next Wednesday. more

Two outdoor containers painted with flowers, one of which is printed in block letters: "Dear BUGA".  ©screenshot

The Federal Horticultural Show 2025 in Rostock has apparently failed. Mayor Madsen will recommend that the citizenry not carry out the BUGA. more

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NDR 1 Radio MV | The News | 06/22/2022 | 6:40 p.m

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