Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida, against wind turbines, for oil

Known for his shocking statements, Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida and unsuccessful candidate for the Republican nomination, has once again made headlines. The governor has in fact just promulgated a new law which will delight his many climate-sceptical voters. “The legislation I promulgated today (…) will keep wind turbines off our beaches but gasoline in our tanks and will keep China out of our state,” welcomed the governor of this state of the southeastern United States.

He further assured that with this law “we are restoring common sense in our energy approach and rejecting the program of radical green fanatics”. However, his position seems to go against the evolution of the climate in North America. The United States is currently experiencing profound upheaval due to climate change. On the one hand, the southwest of the country is facing a drought lasting more than two decades and the north is experiencing increasingly cold winters. Florida is not spared either. In 2023, the state recorded temperature records during a summer heatwave, not to mention numerous hurricanes.

Strong reactions in the Democratic camp

Following the promulgation of this law, the White House and many elected Democrats strongly criticized, on Thursday, the position of Ron DeSantis, who removes references to climate change from official state texts. This legislation is a “disgrace”, commented the spokesperson for the federal executive, Karine Jean-Pierre.

“Climate change is an indisputable fact,” responded Frederica Wilson, a Democratic representative who represents Florida in the House of Representatives of Congress.

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