Roberto Vannacci: Italy’s right is courting general and scandal author

He shocked the public with hate speech against minorities. Despite this, his new book is the most read in Italy this summer. Roberto Vannacci is emerging as the new hero of all those who find Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni too moderate.

The man in the red beret leaves the battlefield victorious. General Roberto Vannacci, 55, has led a campaign against homosexuals, feminists, migrants and environmentalists with his book “The Upside Down World”. At first he was on the defensive: Remarks about the dark-skinned national volleyball player Paola Egonu that she couldn’t embody the “Italian” triggered just as much horror as the verdict that homosexuals weren’t normal.

The Italian army kept their distance. Defense Minister Guido Crosetto attested to “personal delusions” that brought the army, defense and the constitution into disrepute, and demoted him from head of the military geography institute to a simple member of an army unit. However, the officer and Iraq veteran, who has three master’s degrees, sat out the resistance: self-confident, confident and sure of victory.

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