Rise in contamination: what Emmanuel Macron could announce on Tuesday

They do not all seem to be aware, but the mask is again compulsory in certain streets of Agen, and in particular near the station, as we can see in the TF1 report at the top of this article. The decision was taken by the prefect of Lot-et-Garonne, following the increase in the incidence rate in this department. The mask is also becoming compulsory at school in 61 departments, since Monday, November 8.

A priori, there will be no question of re-containment during the Health Defense Council scheduled for Tuesday morning, a few hours from Emmanuel Macron’s speech, but most certainly of a third dose of anti-Covid vaccine. 7.7 million French people are eligible, but only 3.4 million have received it so far. For people over 65, caregivers, immunocompromised people and their families, it could eventually become mandatory to keep a valid health pass.

“We will not know very well how to define the application thresholds of this measure if it is applied. For age, okay, we would set more than 65 years. But for obese people, from what BMI [indice de masse corporelle : NDLR] would we require vaccination? For hypertensive people from what blood pressure? “, asks Professor Yves Buisson, epidemiologist member of the Academy of Medicine, contacted by TF1.

Another avenue is to administer this booster dose to everyone, as the German government is already recommending. But we lack perspective on whether this will be necessary and when. For now, studies show that the vaccine remains effective in people under 65 against severe forms five months after the second dose.

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