Return the reservation for the Lambotan? Arbitrum (ARB) launched for over 10 dollars, but did not claim.

Today (March 23, 2023) marks the first day that Arbitrum (ARB) has started accepting Airdrop claims, as well as the same day that some exchanges have started listing them for trading this token.

by previous After it was announced that Arbitrum will give away Airdrops and allow eligible users to check their eligibility last week. There are users who come out to talk about each other in the social world. Some people get tens of thousands of dollars together. The users will get different amounts. based on usage on this platform

But recently, by the time this coin was listed on some exchanges (but not yet traded), the price jumped to around $10. The price has plummeted to only 1-2 dollars.

Image of the second ARB tokens hit $14 from an exchange. Bybit

Refer to the current price written from the website. CoinMarketCap The price of Arbitrum tokens has already plummeted to $1.xx, however, this price has not stabilized. Because there are many exchanges that are not yet open for trading. This includes big brothers like Binance and Coinbase.

Image of ARB token price $1.14 from the web CoinMarketCap

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