Rethink the speed limit – Auto & Mobil

The Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD) has asked the SPD, Greens and FDP to reconsider the rejection of a general speed limit on motorways. “The fact that the FDP has already collected the speed limit on motorways and that Germany remains the last industrial country without a speed limit on motorways is disappointing and not sustainable in the long term,” said Michael Müller-Görnert, transport policy spokesman for the Verkehrsclub (VCD). A general speed limit of 130 kilometers per hour on motorways would have roughly the same effect on the climate as at least one million fewer cars on the roads. In addition, there is the effect on road safety with fewer road deaths.

The exploratory paper by the SPD, Greens and FDP states that there will be no general speed limit on motorways. The three parties are in coalition negotiations. According to the current “Germany Trend” in the ARD morning magazine, 60 percent of those questioned are in favor of a general speed limit of 130 kilometers per hour on motorways as a contribution to environmental and climate protection. The traffic club also called for climate-damaging subsidies to be dismantled in order to provide incentives for climate-friendly mobility behavior. For example, the diesel privilege must be ended – diesel is taxed less than petrol.

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