Researchers reconstruct medieval woman named Tora

Watch the video: Scientists reconstruct medieval woman – Tora lived in Norway 800 years ago.

may we introduce This is Torah. This grinning old woman is said to have lived in Norway almost 800 years ago. Scientists designed the life-size model based on a reconstruction of her skeleton.
The old woman can be seen in the University Museum at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

Ellen Grav, archaeologist at the University Museum, explains the details of her person in a Facebook video. Although there are no written records of Torah, archaeologists have compiled a history of this medieval woman’s life. These are based on clues from her skeletal remains and the location where her body was exhumed.
Together with a make-up artist, a textile professor and seamstresses, the archaeologists tried to make Tora appear as real as possible.

Tora was born towards the end of the 12th century and lived in Trondheim, a city in central Norway. During this time, the medieval metropolis grew rapidly and, according to the museum, was inhabited by craftsmen and traders.
Archaeologists suspect that people buried in the church cemetery were quite wealthy. In addition, her age – 65 years – suggests that she must have had a reasonably good life for her time, according to the scientists. Nevertheless, Tora is also said to have worked hard. A crooked spine and missing teeth in the lower jaw could be signs of this.

It was important to the researchers that Tora has a friendly facial expression. Archaeologist Ellen Grav explains: “People always think the Middle Ages were dark and difficult, but there was also joy and happiness, people loved each other and some even lived long lives.”

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