“We have already lent all our costumes”, Arthus denounces the luxury brands who allegedly snubbed his team for Cannes

Inclusivity in fashion? It’s not for today, nor for May 22… The day when Artus and the entire cast of his film, A little something extra, must climb the steps in Cannes. Indeed, the comedian and filmmaker is experiencing “completely crazy” success with his feature film, which features a group of people with disabilities. And this thanks to word of mouth which pushed “1.6 million spectators in less than two weeks” to see a work “that feels good”, “in [une] a bit of an anxiety-inducing time.”

Artus was very happy to announce that the team, “eleven actors with disabilities and four classics, four boring ones”, that is to say, himself, Clovis Cornillac, Alice Belaïdi and Céline Groussard, will stage the steps of the unmissable Cannes Film Festival on May 22. And if everyone is “on cloud nine”, a shadow tarnishes the picture: no luxury brand has deigned to dress the joyful troop.

Shortage ?

” I do not understand why. They tell us stories about quotas, saying “No, but we have already lent all our costumes” regrets, at the microphone of France Interthe one who was also supposed to carry the Olympic flame with one of the wheelchair actors, Sofiane, Monday May 13 in Montpellier, where he is from.

We must believe that “it is always more elegant for a brand to dress Brad Pitt than to dress (…) actors with disabilities”, he believes. According to him, comedy would not have the rights to great cinema. “We don’t mix rags and napkins,” he notes with a touch of bitterness.

But the 36-year-old director does not intend to let such a great adventure be spoiled: “It doesn’t matter, it’s the film’s costume designers who will make them very beautiful costumes (…) and it will be very good. »

And we can already predict that the public will not fail to welcome the team as they should on the red carpet.

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