Release should take place at the same time as the Pixel 8 launch [Gerücht]

from Yusuf Hatic
When will Android 14 be rolled out? After the update has been in the beta phase for several months, the official release is scheduled to take place on October 4th – at the same time as the Pixel event at which Google is presenting the latest generation of its smartphones.

The release of Android 14 was actually planned for September 2023, but nothing came of it for unknown reasons. Instead, last month there were rumors that Google was planning the operating system update for October 4th; i.e. the same day on which the “Made by Google” event to introduce the Pixel 8 (Pro) will take place. The date for the rollout is now confirmed, according to a statement from the Canadian mobile operator Telus.

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This message is on the portal Android Police in which a Telus community manager lists a table that indicates an update to “Android U” for all compatible Pixel smartphones on October 4th. The code name Android U is said to stand for “Upside Down Cake”, the code name under which Google developed Android 14 and, as usual, refers to a dessert. The last time there was a simultaneous release of a Pixel smartphone and a new Android version was at the launch of the Google Pixel 6, which was presented simultaneously with Android 12 in October 2021 – so this approach would not be unusual.

The Telus table also reveals a previously unknown compatibility, because according to the list, the regular Pixel 4a – without 5G addition – should also be equipped with Android 14. The previous beta channels only included the Pixel 4a 5G. On the technical side, there should actually be nothing against the update for the older smartphone, after all, the pure hardware between the 4G and 5G versions is almost identical. The support period during which Google wants to provide the Pixel 4a with updates also runs until November 2023.

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