“Regulated use of screens” and “recast civic instruction” on the menu

Emmanuel Macron has appointed Gabriel Attal as the youngest Prime Minister of the Fifth Republic and is asking about the capabilities of future generations, worried about the “screen” consequences on them. He thus wishes to determine “the proper use of screens for our children, in families, at home and in class”. An announcement made during this Tuesday’s press conference, followed by that of the overhaul of civic education from the start of the 2024 school year. “Its hourly volume will be doubled – one hour per week from fifth grade – with support from the great founding texts of the nation,” added Emmanuel Macron, who also wants “theater to become a mandatory part of middle school from the next school year” .

Returning shortly after to the subject of “screens”, Emmanuel Macron specified that decisions on “restrictions” on the use of screens and “content bans” will be taken based on the conclusions of a scientific report which will be given to him next March. He intends that this report sheds light on “the impact [des écrans] on the sensory and cognitive development of children.

The Head of State was also concerned about “the relationship to truth and untruth” that people, and particularly young people, who consume too much, or poorly, the possibilities of screens may have. “Hello, generation of conspiracy theorists! », Launched Emmanuel Macron, adding: although “the present generation” is not exempt, “we have seen it”. Still in the “screen” section, the President questioned their role in broadcasting the riots following Nahel’s death.

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