Reduce pain with your own brain

Neurocoaching: How effective is the new pain therapy?

Neurocoaching is a new method that can help with chronic pain for which conventional therapies no longer offer solutions. The basis of the procedure is the knowledge that our thoughts and feelings have an impact on our physical health.

This is how neurocoaching works

Neurocoaching is based on the knowledge that the brain is plastic. This means that it can change throughout life. This plasticity can be used through targeted interventions Changing thought patterns and behavior. Neurocoaching can help relieve pain, reduce anxiety and improve quality of life.

Results of studies

Most studies on neurocoaching have focused on the Treatment of back pain concentrated. In one Study published in the journal “Journal of Pain” was published, it was shown that neurocoaching can improve pain perception and quality of life in people with chronic back pain.

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