Reddit partners with FTX to allow users to pay GAS fees for transactions using Community Points.

Social media giant Reddit has partnered with FTX Pay to allow users to pay GAS fees for transactions using Community releasereport

This will allow Reddit users to purchase ether (ETH) directly in the app to pay network fees on various blockchains.

Reddit’s blockchain-based Community Points system, launched in 2020, rewards users based on the quality of their posts. The community score was switched to the Arbitrum Nova blockchain in 2021.

Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX, said, “We are excited to partner with Reddit to work towards empowering online communities to harness the power of blockchain.”

“FTX Pay’s payment and exchange infrastructure integrated with Reddit Community Points makes the customer experience a smoother process,” he added.

Reddit software engineer Niraj Sheth added: The platform is looking for “new ways to use Reddit and self-reliant decentralized blockchain technology has enabled us to do just that.”

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