Recipe: Prepare hearty goulash like star chef Tim Mälzer

The most important thing about goulash is not the meat, but the sauce, says star chef Tim Mälzer. And that’s how she succeeds.

I recently sat with Tim Mälzer and talked to him about food. That we could both eat spaghetti Bolognese for breakfast, that I would supervise my husband when he was cooking (Mälzer’s answer to that was usual rude) and about the perfect preparation of goulash. “Nothing is more honest, more hearty, more down-to-earth,” says Mälzer. He has perfected goulash over the years. “For me it’s a life issue,” said the TV chef. “I’m currently taking pieces of the intercostal. Very, very good!” But for him it’s not about the meat, it’s all about the sauce. It’s their creaminess that makes the goulash so special. That’s why the meat is not seared beforehand.

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