Realschule Oberhaching – Preliminary classes start in containers – Munich district

Who knows what the boys and girls wrote on the slips of paper that they tied to a balloon in an unfamiliar place on Tuesday after the first day of school and handed them to the wind. Together with their parents, the 34 children got a first impression of their new school building, where they will be taught for the next three years, when school started on Tuesday. It is a junior high school, built from container elements, and this provisional solution has to last until the construction of a school campus with space for a technical college and a junior high school at the Deisenhofen train station, which has been decided by the special purpose association for state secondary schools.

Mayor Stefan Schelle (CSU) welcomed the fifth graders of the two previous classes and their parents to a “particularly informal school with new technology, committed teachers and an open all-day offer,” as stated in an invitation from the municipality of Oberhaching. The Taufkirchen Realschule takes over the management of the school. The lesson takes place in three parts.

It is a makeshift that the Oberhachinger municipal council unanimously decided on a year ago. The obvious solution, to accommodate the children in the surrounding secondary schools until the school building on campus was completed, failed due to the lack of capacity at these schools.

According to Stefan Schelle, the provisional school building has several advantages, not only that the property belongs to the municipality itself and is fully developed and the Munich district bears all the costs. Due to the immediate proximity to the elementary school, the junior high school students can use their gymnasium and outdoor sports facilities. And nobody needs to be afraid of winter cold or a bad internet connection: the container construction is connected to geothermal energy and the fiber optic network.

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