Reading: Parallels between Aying and Naples – district of Munich

Florian Fritz, who was born in Munich, has been living in Aying for almost 30 years and as an artist who appreciates the beauty of both words and pictures, he always approaches his place of residence in an aesthetic and creative way. His photo book “Ayinger Farbtupfer”, for example, is a partly humorous, partly thoughtful declaration of love, a homage to the “whitest and bluest of all Bavarian communities with what is undisputedly the highest maypole in Bavaria, Germany, no, probably in the world”.

For his reading this Saturday at Antiques Zahn in the Peiß district, Florian Fritz has expanded his poetic playground and landscape of motifs to the south: The event is entitled “From Aying to Naples – and back” and begins at 4:30 p.m. “Following on from the success with the Ayinger dabs of colour, this time I’m juxtaposing poems from Aying with those from Italy and grouping them in pairs, for example on the town center in Aying and a historic piazza in a small Italian town.” There are all sorts of charming parallels, Fritz explains. “Upper Bavarian-Italian splashes of color” is what he calls it in the subtitle of his new book.

At the same time, the poet and photographer launched his “Pop Art Poetry Aying,” “with poems that I hung up in the places that describe them,” as he explains. The response so far has been very positive.

The reading at Antiques Zahn, Peiß, Rosenheimer Landstraße 8, starts at 4.30 p.m., doors open at 4 p.m. Admission is free.

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