Razer, the famous gaming gear company hacked user data Ready to advertise for sale at a price of 3.5 million baht

Singapore-based gaming equipment company Razer hacked user data along with posting it for sale on a hacker forum for 3.5 million baht

“We have stolen source code, encryption keys, databases, backend logins, etc,” the hacker announced by The Straits Times. saidThey saw a sample of 404,000 email addresses of users claimed by the hackers.

The hacker said:[I] It will only be sold once” and set a price of $100,000 paid in Monero ( XRM ).

Razer said in a tweet on July 9 that it was investigating possible violations by the BleepingComputer website. claimIt has verified the authenticity of the email address disclosed, adding that Razer has reset all user accounts and asked users to change their passwords.

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