Raspberry tart recipe that doesn’t even need to be baked

“No bake” tart
This raspberry cake doesn’t even need to be baked – and makes you look forward to summer

This raspberry tart doesn’t have to go in the oven

© Sibylle Sturm

No one can refuse a piece of this raspberry tart. The cake is a jack of all trades – vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. And the sweet temptation doesn’t even have to go into the oven.

On Sundays there is a piece of cake or two or three – at least there should be. Because cake has the wonderful ability to make you happy. One that does this brilliantly is Sibylle Sturm’s raspberry tart. Because it does not contain any refined sugar, it is also vegan, gluten-free, egg-free and lactose-free. The tart is therefore perfect as a treat for a coffee party with several people and a wide variety of needs – be it eating habits or intolerances.

“Pleasing everyone is difficult… but not impossible!” says Sturm. She is a “difficult eater” herself and a “nightmare for every host.” After all, she eats vegan and also has gluten intolerance, as she reports in her cookbook “Die Ess-Klasse”. Sturm has made it her mission to create dishes that cover as many sensitivities as possible.

Your raspberry tart comes with another advantage: it doesn’t need to be baked. But since it has to sit for a few hours, it’s worth preparing it the evening before.

No-bake raspberry tart with almond cream cheese

ingredient list

For the ground
65g dried dates
25g dark chocolate (optional)
65g ground almonds
80g gluten-free oat flakes
100g sunflower seeds
¼ tsp sea salt
60g coconut oil, plus more for greasing

160ml chilled vegan whipped cream
150g frozen raspberries or other berries
1 vanilla stick
150g almond-based cream cheese
50g agave syrup or another sweetener
Zest of 1 untreated organic lemon
1 teaspoon agar-agar (vegetable gelling agent)

1 handful of fresh raspberries
1 handful of fresh blueberries
freeze-dried raspberries
dried flowers
Fruit powder (optional)

Rectangular tart pan (35cm x 13 cm)
Instead of in a tart pan, you can also prepare the no-bake cake in a 26 cm diameter springform pan


Roughly chop the dates and optional chocolate, pour into a blender along with the almonds, oat flakes, sunflower seeds and salt and puree. Put the coconut oil in a small pot and melt. Then pour into the mixer and process until a smooth mixture is formed. If it is too crumbly, add 1 teaspoon more water.

Grease the tart pan and spread the date-oat mixture over the base and the edges. Press down with the back of a tablespoon. Put something into the fridge.

Prepare the filling. To do this, first whip the whipped cream in a tall mug with a hand mixer and keep it cool.

Then put the berries in a small saucepan with 60 ml of water and defrost over low heat. Puree finely with a hand blender. Scrape out the pulp of the vanilla stick and put it in a bowl with two thirds of the berry puree, the cream cheese, agave syrup and lemon zest and stir.

Bring the remaining berry puree and the agar-agar to the boil in a small saucepan, stirring constantly, and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Allow to cool for about 10 minutes, then stir into the cream cheese mixture and then fold in the whipped cream with a spatula.

Pour the cream into the tart tin, smooth it out and refrigerate for 3-4 hours, but preferably overnight, so that it sets.

Garnish nicely with fresh and dried berries and dried flowers. Enjoy!


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