Raphaël Glucksmann prevented from joining the procession in Saint-Etienne… “These people are not democrats”

“These people are not Democrats. We see it in their violence. » This is how Raphaël Glucksmann reacted after being prevented this Wednesday from joining the May 1 procession in Saint-Etienne (Loire), receiving sprays of paint and invectives.

The head of the PS and Place publique list in the European elections and his entourage were attacked by nearly fifty people as soon as they arrived. Cries like “Glucksmann get out of there” or “Palestine will live” rang out.

“Sure there were flags of rebellious France”

Raphaël Glucksmann denounced “around fifty crazy people”, some of whom he said belonged to LFI. “ [Je suis] “I’m sure there were flags of rebellious France” among the people who insulted him, he said. “80% of tweets about France Insoumise are dedicated to Raphaël Glucksmann and the PS-Place publique list. They chose their opponent,” he added.

Insulted upon his arrival, the person in charge was chased for several hundred meters by people also shouting “PS bastard”, “Palestine will win” or “Holiness is not yours”. The head of the list had stains of green paint on his forehead and red paint on his jacket.

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