Rachel lost her eye as a baby – now she wears “Bling Bling” prostheses

Watch the video: Rachel lost her eye as a baby – now she wears glittering “Bling Bling” prostheses.

Rachel Maytas has an extraordinary eye prosthesis – instead of a realistic look, the 32-year-old American relies on a glitter look.
Rachel was just 18 months old when she was diagnosed with eye cancer. Doctors removed her eyeball in a two-hour operation.
Since then, Rachel has had a prosthetic eye. In her early 20s, she started having self-confidence issues because many made fun of her. That’s why she decided to wear a so-called “Fun Eye” instead of a realistic-looking prosthesis.
“I got my first Fun Eye because I thought it was cool. At first I was a little nervous about wearing it. Again, there were some mean comments about it, of course. But I’m just focusing on being myself instead of looking normal .”
Now she only wears Fun Eyes and has 20 different types – including gold, glitter and sparkle prosthetics – also a glow in the dark and a black “Fun Eye” are part of her collection.
“I want others to see that they are not alone and that it is something to be proud of.”
Rachel helps other people with an eye find and fund a Fun Eye. Together with her ophthalmologist she created the “Fun Eye Fund”. Together they have already financed 43 eyes.

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