quoted. the media podcast – media

The media shape our image of the world: they create connections and focus on topics. Media coverage can help to understand things better and has a major impact on public perception – but therein lies a great responsibility.

Communication scientist Nadia Zaboura and SZ author Nils Minkmar discuss this in the new podcast “quoted. der medienpodcast”. They analyze current reporting and shed light on media debates.

The first episode is about the media coverage of the Ukraine war – also in comparison to previous geopolitical conflicts.

“quoted.der medienpodcast” will be broadcast every 14 days from April 7th civismedia.eu, SZ.de and wherever there are podcasts – e.g Spotify or Apple Podcasts. A collaboration between the CIVIS Media Foundation for Integration and Cultural Diversity in Europe and the Süddeutsche Zeitungfunded by the Mercator Foundation.

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