Puzzles: See one of the most successful optical illusions in the world

Watch the video: One of the most successful optical illusions in the world – this is how the illusion works.

Since the human eye can only process a certain number of images per second, the brain interprets rapid sequences of images as moving images.
In order to create this illusion, the film industry has now agreed on 24 frames per second. How many images the eye can actually process has not been clearly clarified.
The first film shot is “The Horse in Motion”. by Eadweard Muybridge in 1878.
He recorded a running horse with a series of cameras and played them back to back. The illusion of a running horse was created for the viewer.
Today, film is the most popular mass medium and it is hard to imagine everyday life without it.
Thus, the moving image can confidently be called the most successful illusion in the world.

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