Putin separates from his Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu…

Sergei Shoigu, Russian Defense Minister dismissed by Vladimir Putin, is responsible for “more than 355,000 victims”, deaths and wounded, “among his own soldiers” in the war in Ukraine, his British counterpart Grant Shapps said on X . It also caused “massive suffering among civilians as part of an illegal campaign in Ukraine.”

“Russia needs a defense minister who can reverse this disastrous legacy and end the invasion, but all it will get is another Putin puppet,” the minister added. .

The Russian Ministry of Defense will therefore have a new tenant at its head. According to the Kremlin, Sergei Shoigu is replaced by Andreï Belooussov, an economist by training, and becomes secretary of the Security Council, a position previously occupied by Nikolaï Patrushev, who is dismissed from his position.

Hello everyone. Like every day, the editorial staff of 20 minutes is mobilized to give you all the information on the conflict in Ukraine. The weekend which has just ended was the occasion for a major cleaning in the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin in fact dismissed his emblematic Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, in office since 2012, on Sunday evening in a surprise reshuffle. This announcement comes at a time when the Russian army is advancing in Ukraine in the Kharkiv region, a few days after launching a ground assault there, and is increasing its pressure in Donbass, around Chassiv Iar.

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