Pullach – quilt group shows new work – Munich district

“Ozapft is”, shouted Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter at the Oktoberfest on Saturday, “ognaht is” is the motto on Wednesday, September 21, in the community center when the Pullach quilt group opens its 13th exhibition at 7 p.m. After a two-year Corona break, the members are again showing their latest work, this time under the motto “Textile Treasures”. Corona initially paralyzed the group, but then revived it. “We started our machines and sewed colorful masks from our lavish supplies of fabric, for example for community facilities,” says a press release from the organizer. Inspired by the facet cut of a gemstone, a quilt was created in a joint effort that will be raffled off for a charitable cause. The proceeds from the sale of tickets will benefit social institutions in Pullach’s twin town of Baryschivka in the Ukraine. In addition to the exhibition, the group hosts the “Peace to Ukraine” bazaar, where they donate and sell quilts from previous years. The exhibition opens on Wednesday at 7 p.m. and can be seen from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, September 25.

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