Pullach: Elementary school is being renovated and expanded – district of Munich

The Pullach municipal council has initiated the concrete implementation of the necessary refurbishment of the local elementary school. There were three different concepts to choose from, and the municipal council unanimously opted for the third variant at its most recent meeting. With an expected total cost of 5.7 million euros, it is the most expensive concept, but it is also said to offer the greatest benefit.

The conversion is intended to create additional space that is urgently needed for students and teachers: In addition to the renovation of the east and south wings, the entire courtyard side, which is currently single-storey, is to be increased and expanded by three classrooms, a group room, adjoining rooms and a central room above the auditorium become. The target for the completion of the shell is the end of the summer holidays in 2025.

Mayor Susanna Millennium (Greens) supported the large-scale refurbishment at the meeting, as this would provide “the greatest added value for the community in the long term”. Headmaster Anton Höck, who was present for the vote, was pleased with the broad approval of the expansion of the building. He offered to contribute his “educational policy competence” to questions about the conversion. The construction work is to take place in two separate phases: First, the east and south sides will be renovated in the summer of 2024, followed a year later by the courtyard side with an additional floor.

Local councilor Caroline Voit (Pullach Plus), as chairwoman of the primary school parents’ council, which is close to everyday school life, also welcomed the decision to renovate and expand, but continued to emphasize the need, in her opinion, for the comprehensive restructuring of the school system in Pullach through the introduction of a school campus. Otherwise, the refurbishment of the elementary school would remain “a drop in the ocean”.

The middle school and high school are to move to the Pullach school campus, while the elementary school would be rebuilt on a larger scale at the former location of the middle school. So far, however, there is only one other concept for the school campus, and its concrete implementation has not yet been decided.

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