Protest against Corona measures: Bavaria recommends rules for “lateral thinkers” walks

Protest against corona measures
Bavaria recommends rules for “lateral thinkers” walks

Demonstrations are subject to regulations. With so-called walks, critics of the corona measures try to undermine them. (Image from Augsburg) Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

In order to circumvent the restrictions on demonstrations, “lateral thinkers” regularly organize so-called walks. CSU Interior Minister Herrmann is now backing the Bavarian municipalities to regulate them.

According to Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU), Bavaria’s cities and municipalities do not have to accept when “lateral thinkers” want to evade the regulations of the right of assembly with walks.

Of course, it is part of freedom of expression and assembly that opponents of corona measures and critics of mandatory vaccination can demonstrate. “But there are clear rules that all participants must adhere to,” said the minister.

According to its own statements, the Ministry of the Interior informed the district administrative authorities that municipalities with a general decree announced in advance for specific meetings – as such, the walks apply – can impose restrictions. If the participants violate the orders, they would face fines.

Mask requirement and use of folders possible

The authorities are made aware of the need to check such restrictions on gatherings, such as those imposed in the Donau-Ries district, as soon as there are indications of corresponding calls from the “lateral thinker” scene.

The municipalities could set restrictions with the general decree, such as a mask requirement or the use of stewards, ”said Herrmann. As an example, he cited the apparently planned “lateral thinker” walks in Munich in the coming week.

The Minister of the Interior also announced more police presence at such demonstrations: “I have instructed all police headquarters to massively increase the number of forces for appropriate operations.”

On Wednesday, around 5000 people joined together in a corona protest march in Munich, some of which was violent. The officers used batons and pepper spray, and eleven people were provisionally arrested. Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) then called for the security authorities to take action.


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