Propaganda: US Govt: Russia Suppresses Media Freedom |

US government: Russia suppresses media freedom

Police in St. Petersburg arrest a protester during an action against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Photo: Dmitri Lovetsky/AP/dpa

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The United States accuses Russia of a sweeping attack on media freedom. Despite propaganda, demonstrators against Putin’s war of aggression are taking to the streets – they are threatened with arrest.

The US government accuses Moscow of massively restricting media freedom in Russia, especially in view of the war in Ukraine. «At home, the Kremlin is waging an all-out attack on media freedom and the truth.

And Moscow’s efforts to suppress the truth about the brutal invasion are intensifying,” US State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement. The Russian government also throttled social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, which millions of Russian citizens depended on for access to independent information.

arrests during protests

“The people of Russia didn’t choose this war,” Price said. This was Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. “You have a right to know about the death, suffering and destruction your government is inflicting on the Ukrainian people.” The people of Russia also have a right to know what the cost of this war is for Russian soldiers.

Nevertheless, the horror of the war against Ukraine is driving many people to protest in Russia. 724 people have already been arrested in several cities. The civil rights portal Owd-Info published a list with the names of those arrested. Since the beginning of the anti-war demonstrations, 7,586 people have been taken into custody. On Wednesday there were protests in more than 25 Russian cities.

The authorities warn against participating in the unauthorized rallies. Demonstrations are not allowed under the pretext of wanting to prevent infection with the corona virus.


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