Program preview for the open-air stage in Oberammergau – Bavaria

“A big piece belongs on a big stage,” says Christian Stückl at the press conference for the 2024 cultural summer. In his role as director of the Passion Play, this time he is referring to the open-air stage in Oberammergau. Every ten years the last days of the life of Jesus Christ are shown there, with great dramas in between, most recently “Julius Caesar” by Shakespeare. Next June, the life of a true rebel of the 18th century will be on display there. A man who today bears the honorable title of “Bavarian Robin Hood” and who once inspired Friedrich Schiller to create Karl Moor in “The Robbers”.

This time Stückl takes on the story of the robber captain Matthias Klostermayr, providing both the text and the production. “The Rebel” tells of the infamous “Bavarian Hiasl”. Born in Kissing, Klostermayr discovered his talent as a shooter at a young age. After being expelled from the monastery, he and his gang poached through what is now Swabia and shot their prey out from under the noses of the nobles for the benefit of the poor people.

Stückl plans to stage the story of the Bavarian hero, who first experienced arrogance and then a fatal fall, in a Western style, as usual with amateur actors from Oberammergau. The majority of those involved, including actors and caterers, work free of charge to make the evening a reality. “We do the whole thing as a hobby in our free time and try to appear professional,” says Frederik Mayet with a big laugh on his face. Among other things, he has already appeared on stage as Jesus.

Tickets for the summer program have been available for purchase since November 24th. The Heimatsound Festival, which goes into the next round next year from August 2nd to 3rd, was particularly popular. Within a few hours of the start of sales, the first batch of pre-sale tickets was completely sold out. Up-and-coming and established musicians and bands from Bavaria, covering different genres, have been playing here since 2013. Of course, the classic folk theater import in Oberammergau is also there, “Brandner Kaspar and eternal life”.

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