Prince Harry and Leonardo DiCaprio: Together they stand up for Africa

Prince Harry and Leonardo DiCaprio
Together they stand up for Africa

Prince Harry (left) and Leonardo DiCaprio are campaigning for Africa together.

© ALPR / AdMedia / ImageCollect

Against the exploitation of Africa: Leonardo DiCaprio and Prince Harry fight side by side to stop drilling in the Okavango Delta.

Prominent support for Prince Harry’s (37) campaign to protect nature in Africa. The actors Leonardo DiCaprio (46), Forest Whitaker (60) and Djimon Hounsou (57) have joined an appeal from the Duke of Sussex. The common goal: an immediate halt to oil and gas drilling in the Okavango Delta. The nature conservation organization Re: wild, co-founded by DiCaprio, announced this in a press release.

Prince Harry spoke on October 14th in a guest post in the Washington Post about the drilling and called it a “permanent destruction” of nature. The ecosystem would be looted for potential profit. Some things should be left untouched so that they could fulfill their natural purpose, it said in the article that Harry had written together with the environmental activist and author Reinhold Mangundu.

Drilling has been in progress in the Okavango Delta since 2020

“We are proud to support the heroic efforts of individuals and organizations in Namibia and Botswana,” says Re: wild boss Wes Sechrest. The Canadian company ReconAfrica was granted a license to drill holes in an area of ​​13,200 square kilometers despite concerns from local groups. Work has been taking place there since 2020.


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