Olivier Sisti, known as “The Immortal”, escapes a fifth assassination attempt

The noodles and the hindquarters, the lucky star or the guardian angel. Call it what you want, Olivier Sisti must have an expression all his own… This fifty-year-old Corsican escaped a fifth murder attempt this Wednesday, reports Corsica-Morning.

Convicted in 2003 for extortion and questioned in several criminal cases, the man whom investigators nicknamed “The Immortal” was targeted at the beginning of the afternoon by a shooter while he was on the construction site of a house located in the hamlet of La Gare, on the eastern coast of Corsica.

Targeted on his hospital bed

Seriously injured in the shoulder, Olivier Sisti was airlifted to Bastia hospital and his life is no longer in danger, at least regarding this injury. Because “The Immortal” is not in its first stages.

Already in 2010, he was shot in the left side while he was in a parking lot. Twenty-four months later, he was again seriously shot by a gun, then targeted again through the window of his hospital bed where he was being treated.

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Finally, in 2017, it was while driving his car that he was hit with buckshot, but managed to escape and reach a rescue center. It seems that if some have a hard tooth, Olivier Sisti has skin of the same ilk.

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