“Prices will fall” in certain sectors, assures the Minister of Agriculture

Will prices finally drop? While INSEE forecasts a slowdown in inflation to around 2.5% in June 2024, Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, assured this on France Inter. “Prices will not jump,” he said before adding “prices will fall” in certain sectors.

The government member affirms that “the peak [inflationniste] has passed”, but he recognizes that we “will not return to the level before 2021”. The Minister of Agriculture explains that since then “wages have increased, energy remains high and a number of products, such as sugar, are still very high due to scarce production”.

Still speaking to France Inter, Marc Fesneau said he regretted the attitude of certain major retail players in terms of commercial negotiations. “We cannot have large distribution operators who spend their time criticizing by saying that it is too expensive, and at the same time wanting an agriculture that has a certain number of requirements, otherwise there is a paradox” , he laments.

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