Preventing premature aging: the seven best tips for healthy skin

Over the years, the first fine wrinkles appear on the face, mostly around the eyes, as the skin is particularly thin here. It’s not bad, on the contrary: signs of aging are part of life and give a face character. Nevertheless, a skin that is as even and fresh as possible is important to many people. You want to prevent or reduce wrinkles and sometimes invest large sums in creams and serums that are advertised with rejuvenating or so-called “anti-aging” properties. But the effect of these beauty aids has not been proven in many cases.

When it comes to skin health, prevention is better than aftercare. An unhealthy lifestyle with little exercise, hardly any sleep and an unbalanced diet can have negative effects on the complexion and promote premature aging. When it comes to care, there are also a few tips and tricks that help to slow down the formation of wrinkles. Among other things, good protection against UV radiation and creams that provide the skin with moisture are decisive here.

In our photo gallery you will find further useful tips that support healthy, radiant skin.

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