Press conference by Macron, Oudéa-Castéra in Littré and Trump’s victory

Did you miss the news early this Wednesday morning? We have put together a summary to help you see things more clearly.

After the appointment of a new government, the time has come for explanations. As part of a press conference at the Élysée, Emmanuel Macron will present this evening the main lines of action that he intends to implement with his new Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to relaunch a struggling five-year term. The meeting takes place at 8:15 p.m., right in the middle of the television news, with the aim of reaching as many people as possible at this prime time. Broadcast on TF1, France 2 and the news channels, the presidential exercise should last an hour and a half to two hours in the great “Gaullian” tradition of the Fifth Republic, we note at the Elysée.

Amélie Oudéa-Castéra is on a mine clearance operation this Tuesday. Through a symbolic move, she will in fact try to extinguish the first big hiccup – of which she is at the origin – of the Attal government. The Minister of Education will go to the Littré public school, from where she had taken her eldest son to put him in the private sector. The visit to this establishment in the 6th arrondissement of Paris will take place “at the end of the morning”, “to meet the teachers and the management team of the establishment, and to discuss with them”, it was specified in the minister’s entourage, confirming information from BFMTV.

For Donald Trump, if the victory is unsurprising, it is above all overwhelming. The former tenant of the White House won the first of the Republican primaries in Iowa on Monday evening, a result announced barely half an hour after the start of the vote and which consolidates his status as the great favorite of the right for the American presidential election in November. The 77-year-old tycoon, four times criminally charged, leaves his main rivals Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley far behind with 51% of the votes, according to almost final results. He is thus getting closer to a probable final duel with Democrat Joe Biden, the current occupant of the Oval Office.

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