Postal voting: when it gets lonely at the polling station – politics


Robert Rossmann, Berlin

How seriously the parties are now taking postal votes cannot be overlooked. The municipalities will only start sending out voting notifications on Monday, but already now people are constantly driving past posters that advertise postal voters. Most noticeable is the SPD’s candidate for chancellor. On more than ten square meters of posters, Olaf Scholz holds out an envelope for the postal vote to the viewer. There is no clearer way to point out that the general election will not only take place on September 26th – but in the days before. The Greens therefore had salmon-colored circles printed on their posters in which “Postal voting now!” stands. And the CDU has set up two timers in the foyer of their party headquarters: one counts down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until the election day, the other counts down until the start of the postal vote.


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