“Popess of orgasm” or teacher, you have to choose

Can you present yourself as the “Popess of Orgasm” on the Internet and manage primary school students? In Austria, school authorities decided to dismiss a teacher who provided sexual advice online.

“A teacher must constantly ensure that her behavior does not endanger public confidence in the exercise of her duties,” the rectorate of the academy of Upper Austria (north) told AFP on Wednesday.

On her Facebook page, the 47-year-old teacher offered paid coaching sessions to a mature audience, with the aim of obtaining an “explosive sex life made up of multiple orgasms”.

She plans to take the case to court

Quoted by the local newspaper Oberösterreichische Nachrichtenshe claims to have been fired before Christmas, without notice, from the public school where she provided fifteen hours a week of sport, integration and support.

The establishment had asked him to choose between these two activities, incompatible according to him. But she refused, saying she had “done nothing wrong”. She did not appear naked and it is “serious” that sex is still “taboo”, she reacted to the daily, hoping that her case “would make people think”.

She now intends to contest her dismissal in court, her lawyer believing “that in the 21st century”, the rectorate should be “a little more enlightened”.

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