“Polizeiruf 110” today from Rostock: fraud, murder and family tragedies

“Polizeiruf 110” from Rostock
Burglary, fraud, murder – and family tragedies: King and Böwe are investigating again

Sezen from “Polizeiruf 110”: Melly Böwe (Lina Beckmann) is very close to the fate of drug addict Mascha Kovicz (Meira Durand).

© NDR/Christine Schroeder / ARD

A drug addict robs houses with her daughter and stumbles into a murder case. The “Polizeiruf 110” from Rostock is half a family drama – which also continues in Katrin König’s life.

  • 3 out of 5 points
  • Emotionally moving case about a drug addict and her little daughter who wants something too much

What’s the matter?

Mascha Kovicz (Meira Durand) is a drug addict. She finances her addiction by robbing men and committing burglaries with her four-year-old daughter Holli. During one of these raids they come across a corpse: Vera Bödecke was murdered in her house. Her husband is certain that the death is related to an investment fraud. Apparently Kovicz stole important information during her break-in – which she is now using to blackmail other men.

Why is “Police Call 110: Thieves” worth it?”

It is a touching fate that author Elke Schuch and director Andreas Herzog unfold here: the relationship between the drug addict mother and her four-year-old daughter does not leave the viewer unmoved. The connection of this storyline with the murder case and the investment fraud is also clever. The makers managed to create a successful mix of family drama and crime thriller.

What bothers?

The case is so strong on its own that it doesn’t need the subplot about her private life Katrin König (Anneke Kim Sarnau) would have needed. As a result, the film keeps losing pace.

The commissioners?

This time König is only half-involved: After meeting her father Günther Wernecke (Wolfgang Michael) again after decades in the last episode, she is now trying to build a relationship with him. But the mistrust runs deep. Meanwhile, her colleague Melly Böwe (Lina Beckmann) is threatening to become emotionally involved in the case: the fate of Mascha and her daughter Holli is very close to her.

Turn on or off?

This “Polizeiruf 110” promises an exciting evening of television – tune in!

Melly Böwe and Katrin König also investigated these cases:

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