Police searching for distributors of anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic leaflets

Several dozen anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic leaflets were distributed last week in the Miotte district of Belfort. Some were brought by three residents to the mayor (LR), Damien Meslot, who said he was “horrified” by these actions. “I feel like I’m going back eighty years, it sends shivers down my spine. I hope that the author(s) will be harshly judged. I do not want such propaganda to circulate in Belfort,” continued the elected official. Letters featuring swastikas and a stylized Nazi eagle, which called for “reestablishing the domination of the white race”.

The elected official specifies that last week there were several dozen of these anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist leaflets distributed to the mailboxes of his municipality. An investigation has been opened, Jessica Vonderscher, public prosecutor in Belfort, said on Tuesday, confirming information from Republican East.

On the leaflet, a link and a QR code go to the social network Gab, a network similar to X (formerly Twitter) very popular with ultra-conservative fringes and supporters of Donald Trump in the United States. Around ten detailed instructions explain the procedure to follow for distributing these leaflets without being noticed. “Go and make disciples,” encourages this document published by the small far-right group Démocratie Participative.

For the moment, it seems that the distribution was “very localized”, according to the public prosecutor. “The investigation is classified as a priority but we are having difficulty getting prints,” she explains. The prosecutor recommends that residents do not touch the leaflets if they still receive them and that they immediately call the police, who will come and collect them.

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