Podcasts of the Month: Erotica, Sex and Pornography – Media

Wild Wild Web – The Pornhub Effect


A scene in the second season of the podcast WildWild Web summarizes the revolution in the porn industry: In 2004, a porn producer stands in his warehouse and is happy that he soon replaced hundreds of video cassettes with space-saving DVDs. A young actor stands by and says: “In a few years you won’t need them anymore either, everything will be on the internet.” The producer pats him on the back and says, “We’ve got it covered, boy.” Spoilers: they didn’t. The second season of Bayerischer Rundfunk’s brilliant podcast series tells the rise of internet pornography using German data pioneer Fabian Thylmann and the site Pornhub and sheds light on the dark side. In this way, the engaging hosts Janne Knödler and André Hörmeyer, with lovingly playful sound effects, tell no less than a story about how this development has also changed our sex and its imponderables. Timo Posselt

My Dad Wrote A Porn


In the endless supply of erotic online content, there has been a painful gap in the market: the upscale porn criticism. That’s a realization when listening to My Dad Wrote A Porn, the first season of the 2015 comedy podcast, in which Brit Jamie Morton, his college friends James Cooper and BBC presenter Alice Levine discuss chapter by chapter the erotic novel written by Morton’s father. “Belinda Blinked” is the title of the masterful trash work about the oval-chested sales representative of a company that sells “pots and pans”. Choosing the so-unerotic industry of pots and pans is just one of the delightfully idiosyncratic choices made by the author, who goes by the alias Rocky Flintstone — and ones that make the podcast so funny. Even for this very brave son who fearlessly reads the naively erotic adventures written by his father. Therapists say you should be able to laugh during sex, so please do the same during porn! Aurelie von Blazekovic

You must remember this – Erotic 80s


It is also about sex and eroticism in pop culture You must remember this. In her podcast, which deals with the first century of Hollywood, the American film critic Karina Longworth has already spoken at length about serial killer and sect guru Charles Manson or the film producer Polly Platt. The new season, of which two episodes have been heard so far, is called “Erotic 80s”. The second episode is about actress Bo Derek and how she was treated disrespectfully as a sex symbol when she was 18. Longworth manages to bring the Hollywood of the eighties, dominated by straight white men, to life with historical facts, original recordings from the time and his own classification. And this world wasn’t as long ago as one might think – also against the background of current debates about cultural appropriation or “Me Too”. In further episodes it should be about, among other things American gigolo with Richard Gere or Flashdance walk. Karina Longworth will continue her podcast with “Erotic 90s” in the fall. Caroline Gasteiger

Is that normal?


Since his HIV infection, says Christopher Klettermayer, he has lost the opportunity to let himself go in intimate moments. At the same time, his sexual experiences are more intense and valuable. In the current episode of the sex podcast der time The topic is Klettermayer’s HIV infection – and how it affects his intimacy with partners. In an intensive conversation about scientific backgrounds and concrete feelings, closeness develops. This succeeds in many of the several hundred episodes. A podcast about sexual taboos, diseases and fetishes, physical characteristics or niche preferences such as chemsex, i.e. sex on chemical drugs, is thanks to this mixture. In the discussions between the hosts – the sex therapist Melanie Büttner and the science journalist Sven Stockrahm – as well as with experts, book authors and those affected, an informative, intensive and at the same time wonderfully normal access to our sexuality is made possible. The point of so many episodes: Talk to each other! Even if it can be as described in the podcast: “Talking about sex is like riding a bike: you sometimes fall flat on your face.” Eve Goldbach



Anna does not take the detour via scientific expertise. Rather, she is disarming in the directness of her personal insights. Only so much privacy is needed: Anna has no last name in this podcast and no face that could be seen on a cover. Otherwise, you can learn almost everything from her. And her girlfriends. Anna always has a woman as a guest who has something to say about the topic at hand: the first sex after the end of a long relationship, for example, the perception of one’s own body during sexual intercourse or about women and porn consumption. Needs are formulated with self-confidence, boundaries are constantly being redrawn and then crossed again, fulfillment and disappointment are debated. By women who – mostly – have a fulfilling sex life. And they know what they are doing to achieve it or what they still need to learn about themselves and their partners. Which is out of the question for her: allowing herself to be reduced to an object of male desire. Stephen Fisher


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