Playing on the holidays to try to curb the epidemic in schools, good or bad idea?

Jean-Michel Blanquer in a primary class at La Ferté-Milon, March 22, 2021. – AFP

  • To halt the progression of the Covid-19, the president of the Ile-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse, suggested Wednesday to bring forward the spring holidays for zone C by two weeks (that is to say from April 5).
  • The question of anticipating the holidays also arises for the departments of zone A and B, strongly affected by the soaring epidemic.
  • 20 minutes analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of such a measure. Knowing that the Minister of Education is, for the moment, not at all in favor.

What if this was the solution to the urgent health situation? The president of the Ile-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse, suggested Wednesday to bring forward the spring holidays for zone C by two weeks (that is to say from April 5), in order to stop
the progression of Covid-19. Because hospitals are in tension in the region and the incidence rate (number of positive people per 100,000 inhabitants) of 10-19 year olds has gone from 476 on March 18 to 685 on March 25, according to ARS Ile-de- France. The question of anticipating the holidays also arises for other departments of zone A and B, strongly affected by the soaring epidemic. 20 minutes explains the ins and outs of this measure, if it were adopted.

What would be the point of doing so on the schedule?

In schools, the health situation is getting worse: “more and more classes are closing and staff, whether teachers or those in canteens, are dropping like flies,” says Rodrigo Arenas, co-president of the main federation of parents of students, the FCPE. The new restrictions taken last week in several departments do not seem to be enough to curb the dynamics of the epidemic, according to several scientists. One of the remaining levers is the closure of schools, colleges and high schools. Knowing that according to epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet, parents who have a college student or a high school student who goes to class during the day have 30% more risk of being infected, as he indicated to the Sunday newspaper.

But the Minister of Education categorically refuses to close schools, the first confinement having shown the limits of distance education. “The impact is real on the conditions of learning and on the mental health of the pupils”, underlines the entourage of the Minister, questioned by 20 minutes.

In this context, bringing the holidays forward would be a way to save time, “to slow down the circulation of the virus, hoping that the health situation will be less critical after the holidays”, indicates Sophie Vénétitay, Deputy Secretary General of SNES-FSU. For his part, Stéphane Crochet, secretary general of Se-Unsa, believes that this decision “could be imposed by itself, but it must be anticipated with teachers, families and communities,” he said. he stated on Twitter. “It would also be the way for the minister not to lose face, because he risks having to close schools if the status quo is maintained. While he has repeatedly congratulated himself on not having done so after the first confinement, ”said Sophie Vénétitay.

How could this advancement of the holidays be applied?

For zone A, spring break starts on April 10. For zone C, 17th. And for zone B, 24th. These three zones concern departments particularly affected by the marked acceleration in the circulation of the virus. “So if the decision to bring the holidays forward was taken, it could concern all three zones. One could imagine that the holidays would be anticipated by one week for each zone or a zoning of the holidays, which would allow the pupils to leave together, ”explains Sophie Vénétitay. Instead of two weeks, the leave would be four weeks.

Another possibility: that the establishments close before the dates planned for the holidays of each zone and that the pupils switch for two weeks in distance education, before being on leave. If such a decision was taken, it would not necessarily be necessary to wait for the next Defense counsel for it to be announced.

What would be the drawbacks?

“There would obviously be an impact and difficulties for families in terms of organization,” said government spokesman Gabriel Attal on Thursday on France Inter. “Parents have already taken their vacation for April, we can’t change the school calendar like that. And that would amount to hard confinement, ”said Rodrigo Arenas.

If this decision was taken urgently, “we would find ourselves in the same situation as during the first confinement, which had been announced on a Thursday evening for implementation the following Monday. We remember how complicated it was for families, ”adds Sophie Vénétitay. Another question that arises, according to her: “Since interregional travel is prohibited in the departments subject to new restrictions, would they be allowed again or should families stay at home? “.

What does the government think?

“All the proposals are useful, especially when they do not deny the reality of the facts and they seek to find solutions”, reacted on France Inter Gabriel Attal at the proposal of Valérie Pécresse. One way to maintain the blur. But on the side of the cabinet of Jean-Michel Blanquer, the idea does not appeal: “It is not planned at this stage to change the holidays. This would entail rather heavy practical consequences for families, in particular concerning childcare, ”said the minister’s entourage.

What would be the alternatives?

In Jean-Michel Blanquer’s office, we talk about other levers that can be operated in establishments, “such as establishing a half-gauge in colleges or taking new measures concerning canteens”. For Rodrigo Arenas, “it’s never too late to do well. We have to open third places (gymnasiums, prefabricated buildings, courtyards, etc.) to teach or have children eat lunch, in order to allow more distance ”.

One thing is certain: new provisions will be enacted, as Olivier Véran announced this Thursday during his press conference, declaring that the health protocol would be further strengthened in schools.

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