Victim apparently wanted to protect friend

Last week, young people in Magdeburg are said to have beaten a 33-year-old so badly that he died as a result. Now further details in the case have become public. Afterwards, the 33-year-old apparently wanted to protect a friend. An arrest warrant has not yet been issued against the suspects.

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After Further details have become known about the fatal beating attack on a man in Magdeburg. Like the Bild newspaper reported on Friday, the 33-year-old wanted to protect a friend who has a mental and physical disability. A police spokeswoman did not want to say anything about this when asked by MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT. However, she confirmed that the victim was traveling with two other men last week. They were then attacked by a group of young people.

The alleged perpetrators are 14 and 16 years old

To According to previous findings, the beating attack occurred on the night of Ascension Day on Friday in front of a kiosk in the Neu Olvenstedt district – between Scharnhorstring and Bruno-Taut-Ring. The three alleged perpetrators, aged 14 and 16, are said to have injured the 33-year-old so badly that he had to undergo emergency surgery. According to the newspaper, when the man was lying on the ground, they seriously injured his head. The police spokeswoman did not want to comment on this either. The victim died from his injuries four days later. An autopsy will now be carried out to find out the exact cause of death.

Suspects at large

What Officials did not say exactly what led to the escalation with the three young suspects. Nor whether alcohol could have played a role. The public prosecutor’s office is currently examining new allegations against the three suspects. The judge initially assessed the crime as communal assault and therefore did not issue an arrest warrant against the young people. According to the authorities, there is at least one possibility of bodily harm resulting in death after the victim’s death.

According to the Bild newspaper, the suspects have now been banned from this youth club.
Photo rights: MDR/ Jan Schmieg

The attack was apparently filmed

The Magdeburger Volksstimme reported on Thursday that there would be a video of the crime. According to current police findings, no objects or weapons were used in the attack – the injuries were therefore caused with fists and feet. It is currently not known whether the suspects had a criminal record or not.

From the Juvenile Justice Act It emerges that juveniles may only be remanded in custody if other steps (e.g. placement in a youth welfare home) are not sufficient. The arrest warrant must therefore explain why pretrial detention is not disproportionate in the specific case. The law justifies this with the special burdens placed on young people by the prison system.

If young people are under 16 years of age, pretrial detention may only be imposed due to the risk of absconding if there has already been an attempt to escape or if the person does not have a permanent residence or residence status in Germany.

If young people are in custody, the procedure must be carried out particularly quickly.

Source: Juvenile Justice Act

The Magdeburg public prosecutor’s office announced on Friday that it did not wish to comment further on the case. The procedure should not be made more difficult, and the “protectable interests of the young suspects in juvenile criminal proceedings should be taken into account”.

more on the subject

MDR (Leonard Schubert, Nadine Hampel, Anja Höhne, Marvin Kalies, Moritz Arand, Normaüssekow, Susanne Ahrens, Kalina Bunk) | first published on May 11, 2024

This topic in the program:MDR SAXONY-ANHALT – The radio like us | May 17, 2024 | 9:00 a.m

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