Pimples on the chin: These are the causes

Causes of pimples on chin

So the main cause of pimples are clogged sebaceous glands. But how does increased sebum production come about? We have summarized the most common causes of pimples on the chin.

1. Hormonal changes

Increased sebum production is often hormonally related. This is mainly due to the male sex hormone testosterone, which is also produced by the female body – during puberty, during pregnancy, but also in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

2. Stress

But stress can also cause pimples on the chin. This also influences the hormone balance by releasing adrenaline and noradrenaline – hormones that accelerate inflammatory processes in the body and are considered true pimple fertilizer.

3. Unhealthy diet

It doesn’t matter whether it’s pizza or pasta: What tastes good unfortunately often causes blood sugar to rise sharply, which in turn causes high insulin levels that cause pimples to appear on the face. Dairy products are also suspected of causing pimples on the chin.

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4. Too many cosmetics

A lot helps a lot? Not when it comes to our sensitive skin. Too much skin care and makeup can trigger a skin condition called perioral dermatitis, also known as stewardess disease. And this is mainly shown by small pimples on the chin.

What helps against pimples on the chin?

First things first: you should never pop a pimple on your chin, even if it’s difficult. Squeezing can not only aggravate the inflammation, it can also cause scars due to injury to the skin! It is better to rely on gentle care – for example on pH-neutral and perfume-free soaps or washing lotions. After washing, a water-based moisturizer will help.

But home remedies have also proven effective in the fight against annoying pimples on the chin. For example, tea tree oil, which is said to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Healing earth and diluted apple cider vinegar are also said to be able to work wonders.

Last but not least, it is of course important to avoid triggers such as stress and to ensure a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Sometimes a change in diet can also lead to an improvement in the skin.

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